Tuesday, 8 May 2007

my alli - Companion Guide - Section 5

I can appreciate that the quote used is a real one. However the use of langauage is important if you are appealing to various cultures and audiences. The use of the word 'tenacity' may not be appropriate for some people. I think it needs to be in plain and simple language which most people can identify with. I think it is important to keep it really simple!!

On the other hand I think it is a good idea to include a section about the obstacles faced when going through the programme. Not so sure about the use of the word 'Setbacks'. I would prefer something like the obstacles to reaching your goal!! saying as a string of words makes it sound less daunting.

my alli - Companion Guide Section 2/page 4

The field guide on this page is very useful as it gives you examples of the foods you can eat and an idea of the fat grammes associated with it. Suggestion to have more examples, perhaps of the most frequently used products. It would also be useful to have a calorie reference guide. Again, perhaps a list at the back of the guide of the most commonly used products. This would help to get you started. As people become more familiar with the process they can then manage this themselves by adding items to the list.

My alli Companion Guide - Section 1/page 5

I quite like the use of pictures illustrating how the my alli capsules work. This makes it very clear and easy to follow and understand.

In the paragraph explaining the side effects of taking the My alli capsules, although very useful sounds pretty daunting and could be embarrasing if you are on a night out.

Saturday, 5 May 2007

My alli - Daily Journal

I think the journal is a good idea, as it is useful to record what you are eating and how much. This helps me to keep a check on portions and keeps you on track when taking your pills. However I find measuring fat grammes and calorie counting very tedious. This is not something I would want to do all the time. Also having to look up calories is very frustrating and find that I'm having to make up some of the amounts. Personally I would like more space to write, perhaps 2/3 lines more. For recording my activity I would like more space, as I'm finding it hard to fit everything in.

My alli - Daily Journal

I think the journal is a good idea, as it is useful to record what you are eating and how much. This helps me to keep a check on portions and keeps you on track when taking your pills. However I find measuring fat grammes and calorie counting very tedious. This is not something I would want to do all the time. Also having to look up calories is very frustrating and find that I'm having to make up some of the amounts. Personally I would like more space to write, perhaps 2/3 lines more. For recording my activity I would like more space, as I'm finding it hard to fit everything in.

Friday, 4 May 2007

Companion Guide 'About this book'

I find the first paragraph too long. I think the use of words that grab you is vital as it is the start of your journey to acheiveing a successful weight loss. The phrase 'your partner for safe and effective weight loss' doesn't grab me. The use of words such as successful and acheiving your ultimate goal gives you a sense of hope. This needs to be more inspiring and convincing.

The question I keep asking myself is what makes this programme any different to other diet programmes or slimming tablets? It's promise of 50% more weight loss sounds too good to be true.

On a more positive note, I like the idea of using bullet points as a format. It makes the message clearer and easy to read.

If the pill is taken with each meal containing fat, what if it doesn't contain fat? Do you still experience the same symptoms as if you did?

Companion & Healthy Eating Guide and Hi

My first thoughts are, this is alot of reading. For me it would be much easier to see things in small bites. I find the guide very formal and not very user friendly. It is also difficult to get a true picture of the booklet without having the real product to hand. I find the current format cumbersome in presentation. I'm also thinking this is a lot to go through; not something you want to think about when your main focus is around loosing weight. My sense is that I wouldn't bother, as the information is too much for me to think about. Perhaps it would have been more useful to have one booklet that explains the different sections. It would be much simpler to think about one book as oppose to 3 or 4 if you count the daily journal. This would be easier to carry in your handbag and with an easy reference guide you could go straight to the section you want.